Much is written on the internet about this topic to rank well in Google and other search engines if all we want to position on SEO (that is one of the high paying keywords for AdSense), it is not impossible, but difficult. Positioned generally better when we have little competition so poorly competed search phrases online is my first tip !.
What I do for my blogs positioned well in search engines?
The first is to provide quality in every way: a good web design, good architecture, using the most appropriate keywords for your industry, optimize well your tickets, share them on other websites and encourage interaction with your users. At this point we must remember that Google is increasingly prioritizing user experience.
Something Google likes to don is the original and fresh content, but also likes to quote sources, reliable sources. Many like to copy content from other websites and is not too bad as long as it is done correctly.
What is the correct way to share content from other websites?
The correct way is the following:
1- No direct copying content from one site to yours: if you copy and paste you make a mistake and you loads much html code from the web to which copies. Low article to your PC, edit it and upload it to your site.
2- Adding value to third-party content: Google says it can be done this way. It is important to add at least 20% new content and great value, but can not miss the next point is the most important:
3- always recognize copyright, not only to avoid problems with the author of the original content, it is also because the algorithm called Panda Google may penalize you and never give a good position.
If you follow these three steps when others share content on your blog, it will have no problem with SEO. I already clarified this point and as I have a little lazy to write, I share some tips for positioning web blog: "Google AdSense Secrets".
Taking into account the Google Algorithm Updates
You know Google constantly updates its algorithms makes it one way or another necessarily affect everyone working with web pages in relation to search engine rankings naturally. Google lives constantly changing the rules of SEO so it is wise to be very aware of the changes and go hand in hand with the trends.
The latest update of Google that has affected much of the websites was Google Penguin. This was an upgrade which focused especially penalize websites that contain inbound links from other web sites of low quality or bad reputation, such as link farms, among others.
It is for this reason that if you had thought about building massive backlinks, I recommend that you be careful because you can be penalized by Google and your rankings could be greatly affected and even losing many positions being desindexado of this search engine.
This engine is the most popular. Ideally, not many links, but these links are of quality, which add up points to SEO or simply generate quality traffic. If you can combine the two, it is much better, but remember that these links should be or at least be in the most natural way possible.
Marketing content for a good SEO
This is a technique which is to create and share content and information of value to your readers and in this way to attract attention. Never think you write in your blog is the only way to sell content, there are several technical content marketing you can use to improve your SEO. They stand Google+, Facebook, You Tube, etc.
Straight Talk: You can also and you must share your content in a variety formats, videos on various sites such as YouTube, I saw Meo, Your Company, PDF documents and PowerPoint presentations is another great way to diversify and share your content.
Speaking of content marketing: you like to see a post about guerrilla marketing?
It is important to do it on sites like Scribd, Slideshare Issuu, you can also write your articles in blogs third is another way to generate good traffic, letting you know and improve your web presence. Rather, improve your SEO.
Another method that works well is to create and share notes on your Facebook Fan Page. In these notes you have the ability to add link to your site or your products and offers. Social networks in recent years have become very important for better SEO, Google frowns upon any social activities taking your business (in this case blog or website).
Social networks allow people to share what they like, recommend products and join communities. Do not despise potential of SEO (many say they do little and that's a lie), Google takes into account what their users share and comment so see what people do in social media is a way for the searcher to know what people recommend.
By making proper use of the distribution of keywords in the content, have more than 700 words, to be original content, have two links that complement the content and share it on various social networks, this post will be well placed in the results of Google. I guarantee you will have a good search engine optimization!
What this sounds a little arrogant, but it is a way of saying that it is possible to be in the top of the results provided by Google and the major search engines. In some cases more work than others, but it is possible. One trick is to put several new publications (about SEO) uses this and it all.
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