First let me tell you: the concept of success is relative and depends on your espetactivas and goals in life, for example; I have a blog with Christian content, and my success is that the word of God will reach many people (the blog with more visits and is the least profitable and yet which makes me more satisfaction).
Strategies To succeed with a blog combine
If you want to create a blog of success and profitability is enough to be happy with the first thing is you have to be able to combine various elements and strategies for such purposes and know that the task of "this blog success" is a long-term that will take you many hours in front of your computer, and will demand of you, constant research and use the best methods and strategies as your skills training.
Internal Optimization Strategies A Successful Blog
When you create a blog, the first thing is the internal optimization. Your first strategy is that, and a good tip is to pay no attention to theories that Google is like everything will be easy (for those who create our blogs on blogger platform). The optimization starts from the title of your website, which is of vital importance that is contained in the URL, which if possible buy the domain, this way you give guarantee to Google that your project is not temporary, ( Google ranks faster website that bought a domain).It is important both in the description and the preference for search engines, be consistent and have the keywords. When we got the combination of keywords; in the title, URL, meta description, meta keyword and different post, good posicionaamiento is safe as long as the content is as original as possible and of good quality (that you very close to a successful blog).
External Optimization Of A Successful Blog
The second is the external optimization web page primarily in two areas: the link pointing to it and social authority. Forget about link farms and penalized by Google, what practices are appropriate link to your web of high quality. I recommend the directories, forums and other blog that without comment spam, and especially to publish your articles on them.You have two types of bonds: on one side are those who will generate few visits, but help your PageRank and this will allow you to generate more visits by yourself, other links will help little in the PageRank, but you generate the necessary visits it is follow up. It is important that people can share and discuss your content, that you will achieve that Google take into account.
Social Authority Of A Successful Blog
Social authority of a blog: SEO is something that increasingly valued and is also the search engines, especially Google. A good presence in social networks should include a Fan Page, a good number of followers and positive comments. Search engines index the content of social networks, you can say I have well positioned post on Facebook, when I look at Google, no but I get the blog posting on Facebook. It's a faster way to get a very competitive term.Generating traffic to a blog to make it profitable
As a strategy should never rely on one source of traffic, must be combined: social networks, forums, blogs third in which we participate, those web platforms to publish our articles such as directories. It is important that our links are on those sites with massive traffic and topics or keywords much searching. A massive and quality traffic is the most important part of a successful blog.One option is to advertise. For this we have Google AdWords, others very cheap, are Neobux and Fanslave, considering that this advertising should be to promote a product and not the page itself. Thus warrant optimized return on investment and that the web is profitable. The easiest way to generate quality traffic is the content of your blog, so another good tip is: this is of high quality and original.
The strategy of a successful and profitable Blog
The content as you know that has to be of high quality and always updated (a fundamental part of your strategy is updated and high quality content), every time you write a post, this will generate new visitors. There on the web the theory that only one keyword per article works and that is false, when you combine a degree with several phrases (and this post is optimized for these words simply include them all in her first paragraph and then form consistent in the body of this post).An example of a title of this article would be the "tips and strategies on how to create a successful and profitable blog". It is a post that is optimized for different combinations resulting from the set of words that form the title, this post at first appear positioned with full starter, but then have a good position just writing part of it or part of keywords that form and in different ways.
Do not keep any of your knowledge, give the public the best of you. If your content is valuable information, users: what they say, what they share, they recommend and come back for more. Also when you have to sell something, it will be easier. Given what others are reserved because it is a form of loyalty to the user (to make a difference). Making a difference is very important and is a way to create a successful blog.
I have several (or rather, blogs) web sites, each specializing in their subject. This usually talk about these topics: business blogger, the secret AdSense, business system, affiliate systems, internet business, online business, business ne methods, SEM, SEO, PageRank, eedes social marketing and other issues, always trying to give the best of the best, writing and researching for a total of 14 blogs and multiple directories.
Several way to monetize a blog and make it profitable
Include in your blog monetization several forms: the first is Google AdSense, the most popular and reliable of all. Taking into account two variables, 1-place multiple ad formats, some advertisers love these formats and will pay more to stay on your website, 2- choose keywords according to your niche that pay well. Usually they are the ones that involve a lot of money and have a lot of competition that you will pay more per click.In addition, a post can effectively monetize and be very profitable with the right keywords. If you choose keywords that pay well by ads that will generate AdSense and that these keywords have a good number of searches, and if in one way or other users are motivated to visit your sponsors. This is achieved because the visits are generated not only in your content, but also in advertising what they're looking for.
With Google AdSense advertising must be careful. If you have a lot few clicks and conversions, advertisers will pay less or removed from your blog. Combine your advertising with various other companies that pay for impressions, membership, or subscriptions (of course taking care not to put a execiva advertising). A weblog can be profitable with Google AdSense and can live up to the advertising.
Find a product or service affiliate matching your subject and occasionally writes a post to promote it (and I said well, "only occasionally" as your visitors mostly do not go looking for a product to buy) . Affiliate systems are good friends of bloggers and is a good way of doing business with your Blogger or any platform.
To conclude: caring image of your website, both the reputation and the appearance of the blog, manages indexed in the different search engines, many focus only on Google and it is wrong, learn about SEO and SEM and anything having to do with SEO. This is not the blog where I talk about these issues is a blog created for this purpose called "AdSense Secrets". I recommend it and I hope your comments. Remember that much remains to be learned and put into practice, how to create a successful and profitable blog.
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