Blogging Tips

Vika Miranda Dewi Lodaya

Article of SEO Copywriting ; Tips SEO

If you have been told that SEO article writing is very similar to writing the story, content or even write another article, then I have to say it was totally wrong. Article writing is generally regarded as a functional art, although part of article writing, require the additional sensitivity and other qualities by the mere fact that article writing with keywords is more business and work oriented towards achieving a particular goal.

Simple practices such as proper selection of keywords, write correctly using those words and their synonyms coherently (writing for the user and not for search engines, especially Google) and choose a good hook to attract the user at the same while we tell search engines exactly what input versa, will help you achieve your SEO goals. If you have been hoping to make a big name for himself in the field of SEO article writing, then this is the place to find out how.

Article of SEO Copywriting

Article of SEO Copywriting

Use the right keywords

Regarding the first point gain recognition of the SEO article writing, you would first have to learn to work with primary and secondary keywords. Say you have to write a SEO article in a particular product, then you would have to use the exact name of the product to the primary keyword. Then you would have to find some polite words describing the product and use them as secondary keywords. Ensure that an article of 500 words SEO, keyword main is used no more than 4 times and the secondary keyword is scattered throughout the article in the most natural way possible.

Mind your language

As a rule of thumb, you must remember to use proper grammar when writing an SEO article. This type of writing to an extent can be creative, but creativity must not give way to bad writing. Your site visitors can not be very polite, but they sure know the difference between good and bad grammar. So make it a point to correct spelling and grammar check your paper before submission. Proofreading, not only help eliminate such errors, but also help you to propose some ideas you might have forgotten before.

Dial your number words

It is important to limit the number of words to maximum 600words when the content is written with keywords. If you are looking to write a piece that has more words, then you can not choose novel writing. SEO articles are most effective when the message to readers in a concise manner is delivered. Make sure your items are not higher than 600 hundred words and definitely not less than 400.

Now, remember these tips on SEO article writing and with enough practice, even he would be able to make a name for yourself in this particular field.

Tips for SEO On Page on Blogger

Well we know that SEO Off Page is all the optimization that can be done off the page, such as link wheel, reviews, social bookmarks, social media (mentions and followers), links in sidebar, between Other techniques.

However, it is useless to optimize outside the website, if the same process is not created within the same process, this mainly because search engines (especially Google) takes into account the alt and title tags (for images) , Meta tags, internal links, robots and others, in order to show the content of your web page to the user who made a specific query in the search engine.

It all boils down to a non-optimized and non-optimized web page, so you will not get the user traffic you are expected to have.

To never fall into that depression about search engine optimization, you can select a good and reliable blog platform, type Blogger, which by the way is not like your WordPress competition, but has similar characteristics. If you work only on Blogger, today I will expose several very good tips to optimize the SEO On Page on Blogger and be successful on both daily visits and popularity on the Internet.

Important Tips for SEO On Page on Blogger

Implementation of the robots.txt file: This file, in addition to notifying the Google search engine, also helps prevent some Google index pages from protecting our blog against duplicate content issues.

Title optimization: In the default blogger template the title of the entries are not optimized correctly for the search engines. By endes it is necessary to touch some code in the design and optimize both the titles of the pages and the posts.

Image optimization: Whether your blog is about photos or general topics. By simply placing a keyword related to the articles, compressing the image and placing the title = "" and alt = "", we would already be optimizing the SEO On Page a little more.

Internal Links: The internal links between posts of our web page not only increases the page views, but also helps us to be well classified in the search engines.

Blog load time: When you start with a new or old blog, whatever it is, it is important to provide a user experience full of a fast blog load time without saturating objects. Search engines give more priority to a blog fast than a slow or saturated one.

Use Google Webmaster Tools: After making sure your blog is 100% SEO, this amazing Google tool will support you with fast indexing as well as broken links, HTML improvements, page errors and many more specific suggestions about your Web page.

Do you have any other ideas or thoughts about natural and positive techniques that improve SEO On Page on a web page?

6 Tips for SEO in Content of Your Website

Content is king. Surely you have seen and / or heard that phrase from a webmaster or SEO expert and has every reason to affirm, since a website without content of importance to the user does not deserve to be in the top positions of Google or another search engine .

Remember that users enter the search engine to find what they have in mind, find something related to their search and experience the voyage and navigability through the website where they found what they were looking for.

Writing valuable content to search engines is not that difficult to do and in turn is a great way to get free traffic and keep users happy. Making seo content is very simple if you work by focusing on a particular keyword that catches the attention of readers.

6 Tips for SEO in Content of Your Website

6 Tips for SEO in Content

1. Optimization of article title: Whether in a generalist blog or in a niche market, it is important to maximize the title of an article or post. Always try to put keywords in a title neither so long nor so short.

2. Density of keywords: To make our content in the website totally friendly to both the search engine and the user, the density of keywords does not have to exceed 3-4% and not exceed in these.

3. Quality Content: After the last update of Google, now only takes into account only websites that contain useful, fresh and quality content for the reader or user. In addition, offer at least 400-500 words per article.

4. Incorporate Google Authorship: More than 1 year ago Google launched the Authorship functionality for verified website owners and they could at any time claim the content of their website as their own and also slightly increase the CTR. Google Authorship

5. Optimize Meta Description: Thanks to plugin's like All in One SEO or Yoast optimizing titles and meta descriptions is very easy. Search engines always pick up the words or phrases usually of meta descriptions and keywords located in the titles. So try to make it powerful and consistent for searches.

6. Images, Headers and Bold: We have to optimize the images of an article, both in the weight and in the "alt" tag place the name or keyword, especially if your goal is to gain traffic from the Google image finder .
From time to time try to give more structure to the content by placing headers h1, h2 and h3. In addition, mark bold, italic or underlined in keywords or relevant articles.

Good Planning For Good SEO Results

Good planning = good SEO = Results!. How many of us really adequate and careful planning of SEO webmasters when we started our site? I dare say that not many of us do. When a webmaster receives a brilliant idea for a website, the first impulse is to start the site and build it fast and furious delay good SEO techniques for later. However, the problem of lower traffic than expected would come soon, and when that happens, it could be a hassle to correct these problems.

Problems like session IDs, fair or poor designs, menus and others will have a great impact on SEO and can reduce visitor traffic and search engines in the near future. Effective SEO takes time to implement and if your site is large, then the problem becomes ten times due to the fact that search engines take time to re-index and re-evaluate your entire site, all the while losing visitors its competitors have done better planning in place.

For Good SEO Results

Good Planning For Good SEO Results

Here are some steps for you to do when planning your new site:

1. Get important keywords and secondary keywords. In my opinion, the key words are very important. How to choose and find the right keywords is critical to getting traffic from search engines. However, you should always refine the terms of keywords and key phrases for your website statistics and records, even after you have finished your site. Your link building campaign should greatly rely on this information you have gathered.

2. Domain Name. You should choose a suitable domain name. Change domain name later, you all search engines Opyimization you've done is lost. It's like starting again from the beginning. It would be better to stay alone with his old domain name to switch to another. Better yet, choose the right domain name the first time round.

3. Choose the right title title tag of your site. Another important step we have here. Since the title tag is the search engine sees something first, you should always have the keywords in the title, and then followed by the name of your site. This includes other sections of your site, not just the home page.

4. You should always plan your website to a clean, easy-to-read instead of being too messy and dirty. This is good for both human visitors and search engines. Even with a CMS, you should choose a CMS that lets you control is the layout and make sure it is clean, without too much unnecessary images or text that can confuse the user. A header section, a body section and a section footer should. The body section must contain most of the content of your site. navigation menus should be placed on top or side.

5. good name of the menu. "Home" is useless for an anchor text, unless your keywords include the word home, make sure you have proper names (which means keywords) to your anchor text in your menus. Why? Because menus typically appear on every page of your site, and each anchor text is a vote (though not as valued as a link to external input) of your page.

6. Get the right URL. URL are important. They are like your home address, no one can not access your page. If you change the URL of your page in the future, any rankings and all the effort that goes with it will disappear like changing your domain name. Therefore you should plan itself URLs of your pages and avoid changing them.

7. Then you should find out what pages you need to optimize your keywords. Think of them as landing pages where your visitors search engine arrive. And these pages should have easy access to other important parts of your site. It is difficult to optimize keywords for your home page, so the best way is to optimize these landing pages.

8. Link building campaign. But now you should have completed your website and your next step should be the creation of inbound links. There are many ways to get links and is beyond the scope of this article. But it is clear that the proper use of anchor text for these inbound links will be worth more to our site is not only limited links. So the keywords and key phrases and if we know the link page are important for SEO.

See Also Good Article for SEO

The practice of good SEO means that you have a good planning. hard work and effort is needed, but surely will be worth it when you see the results.

How to do SEO on My Facebook Page Naturally?

Today it is well known webmasters that social networks are an important factor in SEO, so I created this post pertmiti How do seo on my facebook page. Facebook the king of social networks can not be out today in your seo strategy, as it will not only generate many significant traffic to your site but it will allow you to reach a large audience of potential customers.

Seo Importance On Facebook

How important it is to do seo on my facebook page and how should I do? Well it's very relevant because you'll have a lot of quality link to your site and besides that google will verify the content that is broadcast to your page in addition to the participation of the community in it. Now if we are to learn how to do seo on my facebook page.

5 SEO Tips for facebook

Seo optimization and make my facebook page Seo for facebook

1. URL of my Facebook page.

The URL of our facebook page for any reason should be our keyword. ie if my business is "clumsy Uniforms" should in no way be another url of my facebook page (unless someone else has registered) then we would put something similar is very important not to put in the URL of our website facebook / KeywordName as this gentlemen is completely penalized.

  •     Name: section information will be vital to better branding of our brand and not put keywords in this content.
  •     Category: must be well chosen as it will be good seo for our market niche if you select the appropriate one.
  •     Headline: here you must use keywords to your facebook content and apply the seo.
  •     Long description: here we take the opportunity to put a good weight link to our website.
  •     Products: here you can include products that could be helpful using keywords.
  •     Website: important to link to our website from this part.
3. Edgerank FACEBOOK. Facebook will determine through its algorithm the relevance of your content to your page, 3 important things:
1. The interest aroused by your posts on facebook hearing.
2. That so tied to your niche that each user that you as a fan.
3. The time between the post is made and among which is displayed.

4. Share content. Other basic advice on how to do seo on my facebook page is the content because everything you share on your facebook page google indexing decide not only the first words miss an opportunity to describe two things in your publications.
         1. your most relevant keywords.
         2. The name of your brand.

5. RECIPROCITY LINKS. Among all your social networks it is important to have reciprocal links, ie facebook link to google plus, to linkedin, twitter and vice versa, this will not only boost the SEO on Facebook, also provide relevance to your seo on google plus, seo LinkedIn and other social networks.

Optimization Images Tips for SEO

Perhaps you have not thought about it, but the images can generate huge amounts of traffic from search engines. Someone looking for a product on Google, a place, a recipe, or computer graphics, and hence the space that could occupy your images appears. And no matter that the new search engine design reduces the number of visits you can receive. The opportunity to be visible and attract traffic is always interesting.

In addition, the universal search displays images on the results page combination. This means you do not need to search to find an image, you can appear at any time. Therefore, it is important to learn how to optimize your images for search engines. Here are the some essential keys.

Optimize Images for Better Search Engine Rankings

How to Optimize Images for Better Search Engine Rankings

1. Alt Attribute

Although the technology for image recognition has come a long way, searchers are still struggling to interpret the content of images. Today they can recognize letters, colors, and even faces, but little else. Because of this need to use the Alt attribute to describe your images.

The name comes from alternate Alt text or alternative text, and what use search engines to know what displays an image. It is also the text that uses the browser when the image can not be loaded along with the rest of the page content.

Suppose you put on your website an aerial view of the Science and Technology Park of Albacete. The HTML code of the Alt tag would be:

<Img src = "" alt = "Tips To Promote A New Blog" />

(In principle no need to worry about the code, since most content managers allow you to add the label easily.)

 The key to creating good tags Alt is:
  •     accurately describe the content of the image
  •     Include the main keyword
  •     be concise

2. File Name

The file name is an indicator of image content. Think an image called "chocolate.jpg" probably show a chocolate cake.

To optimize the name you should try to be short and descriptive, and not need to include as much information as the Alt tag.

If you noticed in the example above, we have called the file "photo.jpg" without further. However, this generic name does not bring any benefit in search engines.

To make it more descriptive, we might call the image file "tips-to-promote-a-new-blog". With a more specific name we will have more chances that the search and understand the content and display the image in a more prominent position.

A good filename is characterized by:

  1. Represent the image content
  2. Include the main keyword
  3. Be very concise (you can exclude empty words)
  4. Use hyphens to separate words

3. Context

It is very important that your images are surrounded by text and the text is related to the content of the image. By this I mean the caption or legend, but also the text that is above and below the image, headers and page title (as far as possible).

Note that if the text surrounding the image has nothing to do, relevance to the search will be low. So the closer the relationship between the image and the context in which it is better.

4. File Size

Ideally, the file size is as small as possible. Thus the images load quickly, and that is something that reward seekers.

But the file size depends on 2 things:

  • The dimensions of the image
  • The image quality

If you want a large image in a small file, the quality will be affected. But if you want a high quality image, you will not be other than downsize.

This commitment makes the JPEG format ideal for image search engines, but you can also use PNG and GIF if better serve your purposes.

When preparing your images:

  1. Use JPEG for images in general and photographs
  2. PNG is more suitable for flat images and / or transparencies (b.p. logos)
  3. GIF is ideal for animated images
  4. It uses the exact dimensions you need (do not rely reducing dimensions to the CMS since loading the full image and then resize)
  5. The JPEG medium quality is more than enough for the Web
  6. To capture, crop and resize images using Skitch. This tool does a good job keeping quality images, and allows add annotations, shapes and patterns. Other interesting and free tools for working with images are GIMP and BeFunky.

Before uploading images to the web, it is recommended that compression to reduce as much as possible, without thereby compromising quality. To do this, use the online tool, but if you prefer desktop tools and test JPEGmini ImageOptim.

On the other hand, if you use WordPress as content manager, you may be interested in the plugin WP While you have active, it will compress all images that you upload without apparent loss of quality.

5.  Image Data

Image file format is a specification that allows various types of metadata include in the image file. This data takes specific details, such as exposure, aperture, focal length, and even geographic coordinates are included.

Although the Exif data that can more interest are:

  • Image title
  • Description
  • Name and web author
  • Copyright
  • Other interesting tags

While search engines do not use the Exif content as weight factor currently, the data appears on certain pages of images (b.p. this Flikr) which can positively influence the relevance factor.

By file properties in Windows (right click) you can edit and add some data relevant to the image information. Although if you really want to experience, it is better to use an advanced tool. PhotoME is a free option.

Something else to consider with Exif is that if you are using compression tools, you must ensure that preserve Exif information in the resulting image. This you can see on the developer's website, or in the FAQ and directory Changelog WordPress plugins section, if applicable.

6. Long Description

A little known attribute for images or longdesc is the long description. As its name suggests, it serves to include a longer than can be included in the Alt tag description.

The syntax for the long description is:

<img src = "" alt = "Tips To Promote A New Blog" longdesc = ""/>

If you notice, longdesc not include a textual description, but the URL where to find it. This can be a page specially created to include the description, or the page itself where the image is included, but that does not make much sense.

The truth is that the long description is very little or no use, but I wanted to include it to count with all the options.

7. Sitemap Image

An essential aspect of image optimization is indexing. Images must be in the search engine index to appear in the search, but the search does not find your image files can hardly register.

There is a way to increase the chances that your images are indexed, and is generating a specific sitemap for images. This file includes the URL of each image, but can also incorporate the title, license and caption.

If you are using WordPress as content manager, you should know that the plugin Yoast SEO optimization includes images within the XML Sitemaps function. However, if you prefer a dedicated plugin you can use Udinra All Image Sitemap.

See Also : PageRank, SEM, SEO and Importance To a Blog

A key more

Since you've bothered to read this far, I will not let you go without giving you an extra key. And I advance that this tactic is precisely the most effective:

If you want to improve the visibility of your images there is nothing more effective than getting links. Links to the page containing the image and to the image file itself. If further links include keywords in the text (anchor text) will improve the positioning for relevant searches.

That said, I do not recommend using this tactic artificially, because search engines like Google penalize the creation of links designed to influence their results. The smartest strategy is to create images capable of attracting links themselves, as in the case of computer graphics and photos with Creative Commons license.

What other methods do you use to optimize your images?

Secrets for Top Positioning On Google

Secrets and recommendations for positioning items Google. Many are asking about this issue and the truth is that they are not secret, are only techniques that webmasters must master to achieve a better positioning of their websites. In the previous post we have talked a lot about it so today we will focus on the quality of goods or as though many prefer to call the post, they have the highest importance if we are successful in the SEO.

Secrets for Top positioning On Google

How to write a good article and position it in Google?

A well structured post first is that it should be easy to read and never become a boring lecture or simply not interested in the reader, it is important to provide valuable information that users appreciate and can recommend. A recommendation especially if it is in the Google+ social network is something that Google values ​​as these are to help users find relevant content.

When writing is important to note the keywords of our website, especially those in the name and URL, in this way will be easier our task to achieve better results in this area of ​​SEO, we know all that whether the term is very competitive will be more difficult and useless position a word that nobody're looking for.

Secrets for Top positioning On Google

Something Important To Locate A Good Article

It is important to include several links in between each post, this will help for the search engine Google not taken more seriously. A link should point to another post to talk about the same topic that have your link on the key word that we are writing and the other is advisable to point it at another site PageRank higher than ours, not to be this way which at least point to the landing page of our product, taking into account always put the link on a word that is in the body of the link.

Internal links: the links are placed within the article, to route to a previous post, located on our website and should be on a term related to the main keyword, it is to anchor an item in another.
Anchor test: Several experts say this should not be done, but let people naturally look on your website and that Google does not need these to give you a better search engine optimization, the truth is, it's important to use them. Especially if we have a new website, this involves placing a link on a keyword within the article, this way we will know Google and users, that within our web are other post that speak the same theme or closely relationship.

The last step is to search the description of your article, it must never be neither too short, nor too long and must include the phrase that is working, it should be no less than 100 characters and a maximum of 160. In my If I just copy a part of the first paragraph, as you will see in this post, keywords highlighted in bold uppercase. In the next post we will continue talking over SEO.

Very important: to position your blog entries well, is shared on different social networks, fanspage, groups and communities. The number I like and 1 is essential to give that first impulse. Entries also promotes viral spread and to have more links pointing to your post and also get the views he loves all bloggers.

See Also SEO Tips For Good Position google

Whatever is the process of internal and external optimization of a site better known as SEO, is an issue that we are developing in a number of articles, this is only one I recommend the previous and following this in this page, we are learning to collaborate on this and other topics of interest and recalls the secrets for positioning article on Google

SEO Tips to Help Optimization Website

Search engine optimization is very important because it is what determines how high are classified into search engines. Now with more people rely on the internet to find everything they need, your website will be more visible when optimized for search engines. A site that is simply not worth anything. This means that if you are serious about success in your online business, you have to cover all possible strategies to optimize the website. Your business will be as successful as it is visible and valuable for your visitors.

SEO Tips to Help Optimization Website

SEO Tips to Help Optimization Website

· Research keyword to match what web content. Remember that your visitor is looking for specific words, which is important to keywords. You can use keywords and tags to enable your site to be found.

· Mention keywords in appropriate cases. Although the use of keywords is important in optimizing your site, you should also make sure that they are only mentioned where unfilled most relevant content. They may appear on the site title, description, domain name, tagline, page titles and page content.

· Create links on the website to other internal pages. This is important to help visitors go directly to what they need without having to go through each of the other pages of the site to find what they are looking for. With a good content management system, this should be easy to do and certainly get good results by linking pages for a pleasant user experience.

· The permalink structure to include keywords for better SEO rewards. The permalink is needed to look good and must include the words instead of numbers to identify pages. Your service provider can help you get SEO if not too sure how.

· Get ​​rid of web features more slowly. The page load remains one of the most important when it comes to user experience. If your site takes too long to load, then the chances that visitors are older. Although the graphics plugins, flash, music players and large images can be attractive, if they end up dragging your website loading speed.

· Keep your site updated to maintain interest and relevance. Dynamic content tends to do better with SEO static content. By constantly updating the content of the web, you can be sure to get better results to attract customers and keep existing ones.

· Index website in search engines. Although most engines find and index content automatically, make sure the engines are actually index the
 site to make it possible for people to find you. You can choose to add directly to them.
· Avoid changing the domain name. Keep the domain name will be rewarding in the long run, so it is important to think carefully through the name before choosing to ensure that you do not find the need to make changes to it after some time.
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